Risk Management

HUGO BOSS considers the responsible, systematic, and transparent handling of risks to be an essential component of good corporate governance. The risk management system anchored in the value-based Group management is designed to enable the Company to exploit business opportunities while, at the same time, identifying and assessing risks as early as possible and to manage risk positions by taking appropriate measures. Ensuring appropriate and effective risk management and risk controlling is of particular importance. The systems are continuously enhanced and adapted to changing conditions. Inherently, however, they cannot provide full protection against losses from business transactions or fraudulent acts.

Details on this topic may be found in the Risk Report of our Annual Report 2024.

Further information

Declaration of Compliance

The Managing Board and Supervisory Board dealt with the fulfillment of the specifications of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) at length in fiscal year 2018, and have provided a Declaration of Compliance as the result.

Corporate governance

Listed stock corporations are obligated to provide a corporate governance statement in accordance with § 289a of the German Commercial Code (HGB). In addition to the Declaration of Compliance, this includes information on corporate governance practices and a description of the work method of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board.


Here, you can find information about the compensation of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board as published in the Annual Report of the prior fiscal year.


With its 2025 growth strategy ‘CLAIM 5’, HUGO BOSS is fully committed to strongly accelerate top-line growth, claim its position in the consumers’ minds, and win market share for its strong brands BOSS and HUGO.

Data Protection

For HUGO BOSS protecting personal data is more than just a legal obligation. We handle personal data from customers, employees, business partners, shareholders and investors responsibly and in a transparent manner. For us this is the basis for every trustful collaboration.

Information Security

In times of digitalization, information security is an important part of the HUGO BOSS group strategy. Protecting our digital business processes is crucial for our success.

Tax Strategy

HUGO BOSS management knows that paying taxes plays an important role in the global economic and social relationships of the company. In addition to compliance with tax regulations, adequate risk management is also obligatory.

Articles of Association & Bylaws

Here, you can download the Articles of Association and the Bylaws of the Managing and Supervisory Boards of HUGO BOSS AG as PDF files.