The company HUGO BOSS was founded in 1924 by Hugo Ferdinand Boss.
The HUGO BOSS AG headquarters are located in Metzingen, Germany.
At the end of 2024, around 19,000 employees (full-time equivalents) were working for HUGO BOSS worldwide. More information on our people and teams can be found here.
The Managing Board of HUGO BOSS consists of three members. Daniel Grieder became CEO of HUGO BOSS effective June 2021. The other members of the Managing Board are CFO/COO Yves Müller and CSO Oliver Timm. On this page, the members of the Managing Board introduce themselves.
You can find all information on the members of the Supervisory Board and its committees here.
HUGO BOSS AG owns the BOSS brand as well as the HUGO brand. You can find a more detailed classification of the two brand profiles here.
Today, customers can buy BOSS and HUGO products in around 130 countries. You can find more detailed information on the global activity of HUGO BOSS here.
The most important and up-to-date figures on HUGO BOSS AG can be found here.
The first trading day for the historic preferred shares was December 20, 1985. The first trading day for the ordinary shares was May 22, 1989.
The HUGO BOSS AG share was incorporated into the MDAX on March 22, 1999. The preferred share initially included in the MDAX was replaced by the ordinary share in June of 2012 when the share classes were merged.
All important information on the HUGO BOSS share can be found on this page.
You can follow the share price development of the HUGO BOSS share in the "Share price performance" section
Until June 15, 2012, the Group's share capital was divided into ordinary and preferred bearer shares. After the close of stock market trading on June 15, 2012, the preferred shares were converted into ordinary shares and all shares were converted into registered shares. Since then, the Group’s share capital has been made up of 70,400,000 registered non-par-value-shares. Unlike non-par-value shares, the historic preferred share did not carry voting rights. In addition, preference shares gave the right to a higher dividend than the ordinary shares by a margin of EUR 0.01 per preference share.
You can find an overview of our shareholder structure in the "Shareholder structure" section.
Information on the free float of HUGO BOSS shares can be found in the "Shareholder structure" section.
There are 69,016,167 HUGO BOSS shares outstanding (i.e. the total number of shares minus treasury shares held by the Company).
Information on the topic of share buyback can be found here.
Shares were split in 2001. The concrete figures on this can be found here.
Unfortunately, we no longer have cancelled share documents due to high demand.
In order to purchase HUGO BOSS AG shares, please get in touch with your bank or your investment manager. They will be happy to advise you regarding what steps you need to take in order to purchase shares in HUGO BOSS AG.
XETRA, Berlin-Bremen, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt/Main, Hamburg, Hanover, Munich, Stuttgart
A list of the stock exchange indices containing the HUGO BOSS share can be found on this page.
Shares of HUGO BOSS AG are currently monitored by approximately 30 analysts. The list of analysts and the results of the analyst estimates can be found on this page.
An overview of the dividend development over recent years can be found on this page.
The dividend is generally paid on the third working day following the Annual Shareholders' Meeting.
You are entitled to a dividend if you hold at least one share of HUGO BOSS AG in your account on the day of the Annual Shareholders´ Meeting.
Feel free to contact our "Investor Relations Team" directly if you have any questions.
We kindly ask for your understanding that we do not mail annual reports. An electronic version (PDF) and the interactive Online Annual Report are available. By taking advantage of these options, you are helping to conserve our environment.
The dates for the current fiscal year can be found on this page.
Detailed information on the Annual Shareholders' Meeting can be found on this page.
If you have further questions, please contact us at the following address:
Holy-Allee 3
72555 Metzingen, Germany