
HUGO BOSS is committed to conscious, value-oriented management. Consequently, sustainability is firmly anchored in the Company’s “CLAIM 5” strategy, as it is not only essential to our corporate responsibility but also to our ongoing business activities. We are equally committed to protecting our environment, living up to social and societal expectations, and practicing responsible corporate governance. In doing so, our numerous environmental, social, and governance (ESG) activities aim to generate added value for our Company, employees, shareholders, customers, business partners, and society, ensuring long-term business success for HUGO BOSS.

Sustainability Strategy

In line with our bold commitment to support creating a planet free of waste and pollution, our Sustainability Strategy focuses on five key pillars that actively address big industry challenges: increasing circularity, driving digitization & data analytics, leveraging nature-positive materials, fighting microplastics, and pushing towards zero emissions. By embracing these pillars, we are paving the way towards a better future. 



Our strong commitment to sustainability is regularly acknowledged and rewarded by various renowned ESG ratings and rankings. This reinforces our dedication to responsible business practices and our ongoing efforts to have a positive impact on the environment and society. With our approach of following transparent reporting and sustainable business practices, we remain committed to continuing to lead the way in our industry, in line with our bold mission statement “We Love Fashion, We Change Fashion.”  


  Elaboration Score
Dow Jones Best-in-Class World Index With 87 points in the 2024 Corporate Sustainability Assessment (CSA), HUGO BOSS was included in the Dow Jones Best-in-Class World Index (former Dow Jones Sustainability World Index) for the 8th consecutive year, taking second place in the industry. 87
CDP In 2024, CDP recognized HUGO BOSS with a B rating for its Climate Change assessment and a B- for Water Security, which was assessed for the first time in 2024.  B / B-
MSCI HUGO BOSS achieved an AA score in the 2025 MSCI assessment, revealing over-industry average practices regarding product carbon footprint, raw material sourcing, and governance. AA
ISS ESG ISS ESG assessed the HUGO BOSS’ overall ESG performance with B– (Prime), therefore exceeding the sector specific threshold. B-
Sustainalytics In 2024, HUGO BOSS was assessed with a score of 12.4 signifying that the Company is exposed to a low ESG risk and applies good management practices. 12.4
Bloomberg As of March 2025, HUGO BOSS was rewarded with a 6.4 (Leading) ESG score, accompanied by a high transparency disclosure. 6.4


Further Informations

Our non-financial statement, as part of the Annual Report 2024, includes all relevant information on environmental, social and governance (ESG) for the first time. The report also contains detailed information on our sustainability strategy, the measures we implement, and our progress toward achieving our ESG targets.

Non-financial Statement 2024
Sustainability Strategy