Corporate Governance

Corporate Governance Kodex

The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board have reported as follows pursuant to Section 3.10 of the German Corporate Governance Code on corporate governance at HUGO BOSS:

The Managing Board and the Supervisory Board are convinced that good corporate governance is a key factor for long-term business success. Good corporate governance is therefore an integral part of HUGO BOSS and a guiding principle encompassing all areas of the Company. The Managing Board and Supervisory Board are committed to ensuring the Company’s continuation as a going concern as well as sustainable value creation through responsible, transparent, and long-term corporate governance. At the same time, HUGO BOSS aims to live up to and further strengthen the trust placed in the Company by its employees, shareholders, business partners, and the public.

In fiscal year 2024, the Managing Board and Supervisory Board dealt in detail with compliance with the requirements of the German Corporate Governance Code (GCGC) and, as a result, issued the Declaration of Compliance dated December 2024. It is included at the end of this chapter and, like previous declarations of compliance, published on the corporate website. Apart from the exceptions mentioned therein, HUGO BOSS complies with the recommendations of GCGC as amended on April 28, 2022, published in the “Bundesanzeiger” [German Federal Gazette] on June 27, 2022.

Corporate governance at HUGO BOSS

Declaration of Compliance

The Managing Board and Supervisory Board dealt with the fulfillment of the specifications of the German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK) at length in fiscal year 2024, and have provided a Declaration of Compliance as the result.

Corporate governance

Listed stock corporations are obligated to provide a corporate governance statement in accordance with § 289a and § 315d of the German Commercial Code (HGB). In addition to the Declaration of Compliance, this includes information on corporate governance practices and a description of the work method of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board.


Here, you can find information about the compensation of the Managing Board and Supervisory Board as published in the Annual Report of the prior fiscal year.

Risk Management

HUGO BOSS views the responsible handling of risks as an important part of good corporate governance. This enables risks to be detected and assessed at an early stage and risk positions to be controlled through corresponding measures.

Data Protection

For HUGO BOSS protecting personal data is more than just a legal obligation. We handle personal data from customers, employees, business partners, shareholders and investors responsibly and in a transparent manner. For us this is the basis for every trustful collaboration.

Information Security

In times of digitalization, information security is an important part of the HUGO BOSS group strategy. Protecting our digital business processes is crucial for our success.

Tax Strategy

HUGO BOSS management knows that paying taxes plays an important role in the global economic and social relationships of the company. In addition to compliance with tax regulations, adequate risk management is also obligatory.

Articles of Association & Bylaws

Here you can download the Articles of Association and the Bylaws of the Managing and Supervisory Boards of HUGO BOSS AG as PDF files.

Further information


Along the entire value chain, HUGO BOSS integrates opportunities for digitalization to ensure more efficiency and sustainability. Innovation is emphasized at every level of the company.


With its 2025 growth strategy "CLAIM 5", HUGO BOSS is fully committed to strongly accelerate top-line growth, claim its position in the consumers’ minds, and win market share for its strong brands BOSS and HUGO.


HUGO BOSS is a company with tradition. The foundation for the Group's long history was laid nearly a century ago. In order to review the highs and lows of this history, HUGO BOSS collaborates with independent historians.