HUGO BOSS has business relationships with its strategic Tier 1 suppliers that go back eleven years and for Tier 2 suppliers it’s even 15 years partnership on average. Long-term partnerships are essential to finding answers to social and environmental challenges together.
The HUGO BOSS Supplier Code of Conduct forms the basis of cooperation with suppliers. Those standards are an important framework for partners, especially in countries where national legislation does not adequately protect workers or the environment.
The HUGO BOSS Supplier Code of Conduct is based on internationally recognized standards such as the Core Conventions of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Among other things, it prohibits child and forced labor and prescribes decent working conditions and adequate wages. The Supplier Code of Conduct also guarantees the right to freedom of association and collective bargaining. In addition, it contains provisions on environmental standards to be observed. The Supplier Code of Conduct is reviewed regularly to ensure that it is up to date. In this process, feedback from various stakeholders is taken into account.
An important instrument for fulfilling our due diligence obligations along the supply chain is our Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC) program, which is based on the key elements of the Supplier Code of Conduct. With its three modules ‘Social Compliance Management’, ‘Environmental Management and "’Governance’, it combines environmental and social topics and is currently aimed at all our Tier 1 and Tier 2 suppliers. In this way, HUGO BOSS has established a binding framework for fair working conditions and human rights in its supply chain. For example, child and forced labor are to be excluded. Guidance on processes to prevent child and forced labor, for example, is explicitly set out in our Child Labor Policy. The Environmental Management module focuses on measures to limit climate change, protect water and soil, and prevent air pollution. The goal of the Governance module is to provide suppliers with tools that enable them to take on increasing responsibility for their own supply chain in accordance with the regulations in the Supplier Code of Conduct, while reducing their own environmental and social supply chain risks.
New partners run through a standardized, multi-stage process before they are added to the HUGO BOSS supplier portfolio. Potential partners must approve contracts regarding the general purchasing and production conditions. Among other elements, this includes a self-commitment to the HUGO BOSS Supplier Code of Conduct and the Restricted Substances List as well as the Manufacturing Restricted Substances List (MRSL) of the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC). It is also necessary to successfully complete an online training course on the topics of social responsibility and the environment – including chemical management and to submit valid certifications. For new supplier relationships in countries where HUGO BOSS has not yet operated, an internal decision-making committee evaluates the political, social, and environmental risks associated with the country before any partnership is initiated.
Only those suppliers who pass the multi-stage verification process are included in the supplier portfolio. In addition to formal recognition of the Supplier Code of Conduct, this includes the submission of valid certificates and the submission of a Human rights self-assessment.
As part of the self-assessment, compliance with the social and environmental requirements specified by HUGO BOSS is checked for all Tier 1 and 2 suppliers. This self-assessment is obtained from suppliers on an annual basis and is used for ongoing risk management.
Depending on the results, a social audit may be carried out at the supplier before entering into an active business relationship. In addition, HUGO BOSS conducts social audits that are planned on the basis of suspected or existing risks (risk-based audit planning).
Desk or on-site assessments are based on the HUGO BOSS social audit program considering the various requirements from ILO Convention and UN Guiding Principles, as well as legal requirements such as the German Supply Chain Act. We acknowledge the following standards and certificates: SMETA, Amfori BSCI, SLCP, FLA, FairWearand SA8000.
We also check our environmental requirements with our suppliers through audits. That means that suppliers that have resource-intensive processes such as dyeing need to have environmental audits to verify that their performance meets HUGO BOSS’ general environmental requirements. These audits cover issues such as energy and pollutants.
Each audit is followed by an extensive report. Detailed information about the requirements, along with training courses, help the suppliers comply with the standards.
HUGO BOSS also places value in ongoing dialog, for example, through events such as the Supplier Days, which HUGO BOSS holds in a variety of locations each year. The aim of the Supplier Days is to notify partners about important targets and measures at HUGO BOSS, promote common developments in the supply chain, and strengthen the partnership through interaction. In addition, external speakers share their expertise on relevant current topics, such as digitalization, to inspire the participants to evolve. Insights from this dialog are incorporated directly into the sustainability strategy.
If violations of the Supplier Code of Conduct are discovered, Corrective Action Plans (CAPs) are developed together with the supplier to rectify the situation. Their implementation is reviewed and documented in risk based audit cycles (see our supplier factsheet for more information). If no improvement has been made, HUGO BOSS will ultimately end the partnership with the supplier in the framework of a responsible termination as a last resort.
At HUGO BOSS, we place great value on long-term partnerships. Nevertheless, in exceptional cases and for various reasons, it may happen that a business relationship with a supplier has to be terminated. In this case, it is important for us to proceed in a responsible manner. The supplier should have sufficient time to build up a new customer base. To this end, order volumes are reduced over time so that the supplier can gradually acquire orders from other customers that will fully utilize their capacity. For a detailed overview of possible reasons for terminating a business relationship and the factors to be considered, see our factsheet on responsible exit.
Name | Description | Output | Process Examples |
Finished Product Manufacturing | Assembly and manufacturing of final products | Finished product (e.g. apparel, footwear) | Assembly & manufacturing (e.g. cutting, sewing) |
Name | Description | Output | Process Examples |
Material Manufacturing | Production and finishing of materials (e.g. fabrics, trimmings) that go directly into finished product | Finished material (e.g. fabric, finished leather, trimming) | Weaving/knitting, dyeing, printing, finishing, leather re-tanning/finishing |
Name | Description | Output | Process Examples |
Intermediate Material Processing | Processing of raw materials into yarn and equivalent state | Intermediate material (e.g. yarn) | Yarn production (e.g. spinning), leather main tanning |
Name | Beschreibung | Ergebnis | Prozessbeispiele |
Raw Material Production & Primary Processing | The extraction and farming of primary raw materials from the earth, plants, or animals, and the collection of secondary raw materials (e.g. reclaimed textiles), as well as the processing of these raw materials into a commodity state | Raw materials (e.g. seed cotton, greasy wool, raw hide, fossil-based raw material), processed raw material (e.g. tops, staple fiber and filament) | Farming, extracting, ginning, combing, extrusion, slaughtering |
Based on the Tier definition agreed by the Apparel Impact Institute/TE/Cascale/ZDHC in December 2024.
HUGO BOSS places great value on collaborations with businesses and organizations to achieve systematic sustainability improvements along the textile value chain through our consolidated expertise. HUGO BOSS’ commitments to collaborations for improving labor and social standards in the supply chain are summarized below.
HUGO BOSS joined the FLA in 2014 to promote and protect employee rights and to advance improvements to working conditions. The HUGO BOSS Social Compliance Module was fully accredited for the first time in 2018 (more information here) and will now be assessed regularly. The implementation of the Social Compliance Module is continuously monitored by independent assessments conducted by the FLA at selected HUGO BOSS suppliers and the results are published on the FLA website.
HUGO BOSS became a member of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles in 2015. The initiative, whose members cover nearly half of the German textiles market, aims to improve the social, environmental, and economic conditions in global textiles production together. HUGO BOSS, for example, is active in working groups on the topics of living wage, complaint mechanism and gender equity.
From 2019 on, HUGO BOSS was involved in the Living Wages Initiative as part of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles. The members have worked in collaboration with Action Collaboration Transformation (ACT) to improve their purchasing practices so that suppliers have greater scope for wage increases. Based on a survey which was conducted internally and with our suppliers, we developed a target and action plan.
Starting from September 2021, HUGO BOSS has joined the follow-up initiative Living Wage Lab of the Partnership for Sustainable Textiles. Participating members collaborated to develop an individual strategy for living wages and, wherever possible, to realize scalable solutions for wage increase at the supplier-level. To this end, we are continuously collecting wage data from our Tier 1 suppliers in particular and analyze any wage gaps, among other things.
Currently HUGO BOSS is engaged in the Living wage Lab 2.0 which is built on the experience, activities and findings of the previous initiatives. The overall objective is to reduce the gap between current wages and living wage of one pilot supplier through peer learning group and local initiatives. To this end, we have launched a project in Bangladesh where we collaborate with other brands and multi-stakeholders, including local organizations. The project's action plan is based on our strategy and the local situation and includes tailored capacity building program and awareness campaign, to establish or strengthen worker participation committees, and the dialogue on responsible purchasing practices.
HUGO BOSS is a member of the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry. The International Accord represents an independent, legally binding agreement between brands and trade unions working for higher health and safety standards, support for workers' rights and increased transparency in the global apparel industry by monitoring and training workers on workspace safety. Following its initiation in Bangladesh, HUGO BOSS has also joined the Pakistan Accord. The overarching program is now titled the International Accord and plans to expand to further locations. We have renewed in 2023 the Bangladesh Accord.
In Bangladesh, gender-based violence such as discrimination or involuntary dependence on men is the reality for many women working in textile factories. It is important for us to take responsibility and empower these women in our supply chain. Therefore, HUGO BOSS founded a Women’s Café in 2022, in partnership with the organization Phulki. It offers female workers in the factories in our supply chain a safe space to talk about their everyday problems. At the same time, the café is a space for education and mutual motivation. Here, the women do not only have the opportunity to exchange ideas, they also are able to attend various training courses on sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR), family budgeting, or menstrual hygiene. They learn about topics such as health, safety and personal and employment rights — in relation to their professional as well as their personal lives. They also have access to childcare for a small fee. To keep improving the project we gather periodically feedback from the workers.